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Receive a proven blueprint with actionable tools designed by a fully recovered brain-injured person to repair the brain trauma & regain function so you can act, live & work in your day-to-day life with normalcy.
It takes on your part dedication, a desire to heal, taking it one day at a time, embrace this new lifestyle, and dig in to uncover your spiritual self to be successful.
Getting authentic emotional support from someone who has walked this path before you is a game changer and much needed.
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You talk to people around you yet they don't see you, or don't see your dilemma. Your handicap is very real but no one seems to get it . Even doctors are clueless and often dismissive about what you are experiencing. You feel like a stranger, you wonder if you truly have a problem or you are making this up?
Let me assure you; you are not!
Life gets so overwhelming with a brain trauma no one can know what this means. You become incapable of making plans. It all seems so confusing. The future means nothing and is scary to you. Too many things to handle, too many things to organize, and the brain cannot compute. Multi tasking is beyond impossible.
A 5 year old cannot fathom what it would be like to act like an adult. And that's what you are today; a 5 year old in a grown up body. You need a mommy to help you eat, dress, clean, understand legal documents or read anything. And the list of handicaps goes on.
Because the Neurons in your brain are disconnected, your brain gives you false impulses, and unusual thoughts. Thoughts you would never have normally such as suicidal thoughts, feeling of despair, uncontrollable sexual desires, Feeling overwhelmed for no reason at all and out of no-where. Your brain is broken and is not controllable like before. It's like living in a stranger's brain.
You start realizing that you cannot recall things you were told a minute ago. At first it's impossible to notice but after a while you know something is wrong. People start thinking you may be lying yet you aren't. Finding your words is a very intense exercise. You'd love to say many words you knew before but they won't come to mind! In my case I reverted to French my Native tongue...all my words spontaneously came to my mind in French. The handicap is real and frustration sets in not just for you but for everyone around you as well.
Everything is so exhausting.! Brushing your teeth or taking a shower takes all your energy and you end up running to bed to rest. You get to work and you cannot think at all anymore. We get confused at what the task at hand is... Nothing makes sense. Sleep is what we desire and need most. Yes, we have become a deadbeat to others.
The food you could eat before become like a poison to one now. You start reacting to everything. Even supplements do not feel good. Many things need to change but it's hard to know what to change.
With a broken brain the protective barriers that existed before are no longer. It's like being raw without any filters. Perfume, scents, air fresheners, the detergent ail in stores, potpourri, anything laced with chemicals is a complete assault to the brain. It will attack it and will leave one in a state of tears. Making you feel nauseous and sick for weeks or months.
You'll be driving from appointment to the next to try to find answers and get a diagnostic in hope to receive the right treatments.
1. Very few treatments are available due to the fact that the medical industry does not understand the brain and how it functions let alone how to heal it.
2. most doctors have never experienced first hand a TBI which gives them very limited understanding of the great dilemma we a re faced with. And if a doctor has had a TBI or concussion, most likely they had to change field of work because their brain does not function the same anymore. What they could do before they cannot continue doing anymore. That's often the case and nobody talks about it.
3. If you get a treatment, it may be beneficial for a while but often not long lasting. The doctor will accuse you of not following his instruction and not doing what you were told! It's happened to me. instead of feeling supported and having a caring doctor that I thought had my back; I had a back stabbing doctor that only cared about his reputation and statistics.
4. If you do get a treatment that does help recover a few parts of your brain, this treatment is never complete and leaves you stranded with an handicapped mind. They tell you: "well you have to live with that and manage your life with it".
Sad but true!
5. You end up feeling all alone with nowhere to turn and left misunderstood. The frustration grows and becomes such that despair sets in to the point feeling discouraged and losing all hope in humanity.
With this interview you will find out much more about yourself.
It will help me as well complete my book.
And you may learn about this program a lot more.
This is why I developed this one on one support program where you will be heard, understood, and believed,.
The Roadmap To a Full Recovery of A Traumatic Brain Injury has all the elements that you need to get well.
It's a simple coaching program over 12 weeks that gives you the tools to heal fully.
It's a step by step program that can be followed without feeling overwhelmed.
These steps will integrate into your life where you'll notice subtle but substantial rapid changes.
The transformation will be undeniable AND you'll love this new person.
Slowly but surely you will regain assurance in yourself,
retain thing people tell you,
memory will improve,
your ability to find the right words will come back,
you will feel stronger and desire to increase your physical activity.
Your life will start shaping up.
You won't feel lost out in the world or on parling lots anymore.
Your brain cells will regenerate so that your brain chemical imbalance will disappear.
You'll feel happy again for no reason at all. Just for being and existing.
No more suicidal thoughts, no more anxiety and confusion, no more depression.
Believe it ! It will happen with the right support and right program.
With pillar one being Nutrition, we're looking to get you from not able to assimilate your foods, digesting properly, having depression, or foggy head, low energy, to feeling nourished after each meal and starting to feel the energy the food give you.
Your results of well being and functioning will increase by 30% more than before.
With pillar one being Nutrition, we're looking to get you from not able to assimilate your foods, digesting properly, having depression, or foggy head, low energy, to feeling nourished after each meal and starting to feel the energy the food give you.
Your results of well being and functioning will increase by 30% more than before.
Nutrition is so often overlooked yet it is the base of our health.
Nutrition is the building blocks of our cells functioning at their best and our brain being able to provide the power the body needs.
So right now if your energy level and functioning is hanging out at 20% with this first pillar, we're looking at getting you into about 40% of functionality, mental and emotional stability and wellness.
Pillar 2 with your lifestyle & Activity, we got to look at your life and how we can optimize, rearrange it in ways that it doesn’t damage you anymore but serves your need.
The life you use to have is not possible today.
We have to honor this before we can start changing and adapting a new way of life to what our brain is capable of doing at this time.
Pillar 3 we use different technology to help you heal faster and induce neuron repair right from home.
These technologies are affordable and will change your status quo into YES I can heal.
Do You Suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury ?
This Message is For You!
I know you are misunderstood. This trauma is very difficult to navigate on your own. You can recover! I DID it following a certain protocol and lifestyle.
Watch this video
Book a free Q&A session with me BELOW. to finish my book and finalize my 2.0 Coaching Program Research
I would love to share more and hear your story. We can set up a time together we can discover if this program is a good fit. I can answer many of your questions.
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